Saturday, September 15, 2012

Be a Good Bookstore Customer

I have worked in a bookstore for a number of years and everyday I am amazed at the people I interact with.  Last week a couple of the employees were talking about what it takes for a customer to not annoy us, and for us to appreciate more than just there money (and to be truthful some of these customers I don't want your money).  Want to be one of those customers who will make our day?  Follow these 6 simple rules and get really good service, and the book that you actually want.

Know that not everyone is interested in what you are.
There is a limited space in a bookshop, it cannot carry everything.  A bookshop is also a business that has to pay the bills.  So the store carries things that sell.  Not everyone is interested in some of the things you believe are common everyday things.  So if a bookstore does not carry a particular book know that it is for a reason, it did not sell.  Sorry.  But there are other options usually the store can ship it to you.  I know in this instant gratification time that is a horrendous option.  But it is that or not have the book at all. Your choice. 

I have no idea what book was on that table three months ago.  
This is my number one pet peeve of customers.  If you really, really want a book know something about it.  The best thing to do if you see something that looks interesting to you is either take a picture with your phone or write it down.  Don't come in expecting a store to be laid out exactly as it was the last time you were here, and don't expect an employee to remember.  It is a rare occurrence when we have read a book or remember that book that had the word truth in the title (seriously go to a bookstore website and just type it in), or better yet that book that has a blue cover that you have no idea what it was about.  If you are nice and know more than just it's a book about a boy we will try and help but come on did you really want the book if you cannot remember more than that?

Get off your cell phone- unless you are asking someone the title or author of a book.
I will not help you.  Seriously.  I will pass right over you wither you are in an information line or a check out line because this is the rudest habit our culture has acquired.  It takes two minutes to right you up or help you find a book.  Give the person working for you the courtesy of your attention. This goes beyond the bookshop and onto any place where you are dealing with another living human. Also no one wants to hear about your personal business. I know that reality tv is teaching us differently but truly it is annoying. 

Never mention Amazon
Do some research on the company, they have been trying to take down the publishing field ever since they opened shop.  There is no one you can speak with face to face.  Also, they are our competitor.  Most bookstores are able to order things into the store, or even ship to your home right then and there at the store.  It is even worst if you grip about how there are no bookshops around and then declare that you will shop on the site that is determined to take us down.    

If you are on a tight budget tell me.
This is not a big deal to me what your budget is, I can guide you to a great paperback.  But don't ask for recommendations or specific books then bitch every time I give you a hardback.  Also don't bitch at me that paperbacks use to be $5.  I am just an employee, I don't set the price, I have no control, and really how much do you pay for your Starbucks coffee, or a movie? Books are entertainment, and often mind expanding and important, and really not that expensive when you put it in perspective.

Ask for recommendations. But don't give them.
We love books.  This is why we are here.  We read books, LOTS of them.  If you are looking for a new book, or author ask us!  This is the favorite part of my job.  Tell me what you normally read, what you like about it and don't and let me lead you to something new.  Relax and let it be a fun experience in the store.  And unless we have been talking for quite awhile and I have told you about the books that I also read and love don't give me a recommendation.  There are few things as annoying as a person who has no idea what I read telling me I have to read a book that I have no interest in.  I work in a bookstore, I know my books and if the book isn't on my reading list there is a reason for it! 

After a rocky couple of days I want to add a couple of Rules.

1) Don't throw shit at me.  I am sorry that the book is a different price online, or that I don't have the version you want or whatever your complaint is.  Actually I am not if you choose to act like a jackass.  I only care if you are nice to me and I think you deserve good things.  I didn't realize that this was something that needed to be put into writing but it is never ok to throw a book at a bookstore employee.  To quote Wil Wheaton "Don't Be a Dick."

2) To go along with the above Don't Swear at Me.  Seriously.  Dropping those cute four letter words at me while I am trying to help you is not going to make the magazine I am sold out of magically appear.  Look I swear, a lot, but I don't need those words hurled at me while I am working. No one does.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with people?  Is it too much to be nice?  And honestly if the worst thing to happen to you is that the book was a bit more expensive to get right away or the magazine you wanted is sold out and you have to drive 15 whole minutes to get it somewhere else, can you just take a moment and be thankful.  Be thankful for your health, be thankful for you full tummy, be thankful for a roof over you head, be thankful for the people in your life that put up with your upper middle class poor me bullshit.

1 comment:

  1. Phew...I'm happy to report that I would be a good book customer. I don't do any of the things on this list! I hear where you're coming from. I would totally work in a bookstore if I didn't have to deal with the general public. They suck most of the time.
